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Name:  Summerpaw

Name Meaning: Summer - he and his littermates are named after the seasons

Past Name(s): Summerkit, 


Gender: Transman [He/Him]

Creation Date: February 26th, 2023

Rank: Apprentice

Past Rank(s): Kit,

Track NameArtist Name
00:00 / 01:04

Adopted from teddy. base by rockyspotted on da.

New Drawing (9) (1).png


very much the type to live in the moment and respond emotionally, most of the time with anger. Eager and ambitious, motivated by rivalry and fierce loyalty. He enjoys the adrenaline rush that comes with dangerous situations like battling, he also has a bit of a rebellious nature. He would never betray his clan but he has difficulties with authority and accepting leadership from most, you really have to earn his respect for him to be willing to listen to you, and even then he won't hold back his complaints. He has difficulties showing that he actually cares, he assumes his siblings know he cares about them no matter his actions even if he can be short with them often. He doesn't like to admit he is a very emotional cat, he suppresses most 'undesirable' emotions and just ends up expressing himself with anger.


Bright ginger and black caliby oriental shorthair

Summer (2).png

Favorite Things: 

Least Favorite Things:

Greatest Strength:

Greatest Weakness:

Fears: Insects,


Current Mental State: Overall Content

Psychiatric Conditions:

Physical Conditions:

Mental Age: 

Voice Claim: Jeremy Jordan on Tangled the Series (A.K.A Varian)



Track NameArtist Name
00:00 / 01:04
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